Complex Marine and Disaster Recovery
(On and Off Water Recovery)
• When a marine disaster hits the fall out is substantial it effects property both on and off the water.
• The teams at EMERGE are prepared and armed with the right equipment, certifications, and capabilities to deploy and clean up any situation.
Marine Infrastructure Contracting
• Mid to Large Scale Marina Construction, Seawalls and Bulkheads, Pile Driving, Docks, Channel Markers, Marine Infrastructure Maintenance. Florida Certified Marine Contractor Lic. # SCC131153372
AI Engineered Geospatial Analytics
• Our technology is focused on the identification and targeting of maritime and land based hazards. Satellite Technology Baseline, AI Processing, UAV Inspection, Online Accessibility, Customizable UI/UX, Predictive Modeling
• Mooring field management
Program Management
• Define the Objective (Understand-Assemble-Execute)
• Execution of the Plan (Manage-Communicate)
• Program Completion (Back brief to Key Stake Holders)
Environmental and Water Quality Improvement
• Harmful AgSeagrass, Shoreline Restoration, Artificial Reef Construction
Emergency and Transportation Services
• Complex air and ground transportation solutions